We make the West . . . Wetter

Rain Bees

Call us: Larry - 210.286.8050
Steven - 903.452.0801
Our services are always free and we welcome questions anytime.
Hosted by: Comal Master Gardeners
Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
When it rains . . . we store
Upcoming Presentations
If your group, club, HOA, or organization is looking for speakers, please call Larry at 210.286.8050 to schedule a place, time, and topic.
Following are scheduled presentations with hosts, times, and seating availability as noted:
1/13/25 Aquifers & Rain Harvesting, Bexar Master Gardeners, 1:00-2:00, No open seating
1/18/26 Rain Barrels & Drip Irrigation. Comal Master Gardeners, 8:30-10:30, No open seating
1/21/25 Rain Harvesting, Gonzales County Master Gardners, 8:30-12:30, No open seating
2/4/25 Aquifer Status Update, BSB Economic Development BoD, 3:00-4:00, No open seating
2/12/25 Aquifers & Rain Harvesting, Village West, 6:00-7:00, Open seating
4/5/25 Comal Agri-life Center Open House, Rain Barrels, Wicking Gardens, Rain Harvesting, Drip
Irrigation, Demonstrations & presentations all day, Open seating
4/9/25 Wicking Gardens, Comal County Master Gardners, 1:00-3:00, No open seating
4/15/25 Rain Harvesting, Guadalupe County Master Gardners, 10:00-3:00, No open seating
5/1/25 Rain Harvesting, Rover Chase Garden Club, 7:00-9:00, Open seating
6/2/25 Aquifer Status, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
6/9/25 Rain Harvesting, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
6/16/25 Drip Irrigation, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
6/23/25 Rain Barrels & Wicking Gardens, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
One rain barrel and two wicking containers will be given to lucky attendees
6/30/25 Native Grasses & Lawn Care, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
7/7/25 Finding & Fixing Household Leaks, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
7/14/25 Buzz About Bees, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
7/21/25 Pollinators: Humming Birds, Butterflies & Bees, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30,
Open seating
7/28/25 Rain Gardens, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
8/4/25 Xeriscaping with Native Plants, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
8/11/25 Composting, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
8/18/25 Basics of Trees, Bushes & Pruning, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
8/25/25 Applied Pruning, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating
9/8/25 Rain Harvesting, Mammen Public Library, 12:00-1:30, Open seating

Water Conservation Workshops
These Mammen Library water-focused workshops (at left, June into September) were developed in response to common questions and concerns about various topics related to water conservation, rain gardens, grass, water quality, pollinators, planting & pruning, and ecological issues. The free, open-to-the-public workshops provide a brief overview (with questions and answers) for hill country residents to better understand where our water comes from and how to protect this important dwindling resource.

Expert Guidance
When you decide to install a rainwater harvesting system, several questions require answers. Though rainwater harvesting systems are not complex and are easy to install, there are some perplexing pre-installation factors that need to be clarified. The RainBee Rain Harvesting Consultants will help you understand the specifics involved in designing and installing your rainwater harvesting system. Our services are offered to Comal and surrounding county residents without charge--we are hosted by Comal Master Gardeners (CMG) and the Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (CTGCD).
The true value of water is known only when the well runs dry.
how can you
Complete as much of THIS FORM as you can and email it to texsunn@gmail.com; it helps us preplan your system design. Alternatively, you may send us a consultation request via the form to the right.
You are welcome to visit and view our sample home installation sites or we will come to your site, without charge, to help you design your system. We do not sell anything; our consulting is offered without charge to residents of Comal and surrounding counties as a public service to relieving stress on the Trinity aquifer.

"Thank you so much. You have given me a lot to absorb and great contacts. I appreciate your quick and knowledgeable response."
- Nita

Rain harvesting materials and equipment are sales tax free--complete this form
how do we
Designing a rainwater harvesting system is fairly simple. For most installations, the components and design are similar. The only change lies in its structuring, its measurements, and the use of materials for the components. Deciding these on your own may become a little complicated since it requires certain expert understanding and some calculations. We'll help.

Schedule a Free

Rain Harvesting Consultants
PO Box 428
Bulverde, TX 78163
Steven - 903.452.0801
Larry - 210.286.8050

"Our services are always free and we welcome questions anytime."
Things We've Heard
Larry and Steven,I can't thank you enough for coming to speak at our meeting yesterday. I have received many, many comments on how much everyone enjoyed it and how they hope to have you back. Your presentation really hit home how much we need to conserve water (I'm bracing myself to see how my husband feels about the new bucket in the shower to catch the cold water) :), and y'all have mastered making things informative and fun. Also, thank you for donating back the gift we usually give to speakers. You are both so generous with your time, and it is greatly appreciated. I hope to be seeing you again soon.Take care,Michelle