We make the West . . . Wetter
Rain Bees
Call us: Larry - 210.286.8050
Steven - 903.452.0801
Our services are always free and we welcome questions anytime.
Hosted by: Comal Master Gardeners
Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
When it rains . . . we store
Resources and Links
Goal The goal of the Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District is to develop rules to provide protection to existing wells, prevent waste, promote conservation, provide a framework that will allow availability and accessibility of Trinity groundwater for future generations, protect the quality of the groundwater in the recharge zone of the aquifer, insure that residents of Comal County maintain local control over their Trinity groundwater, and operate the Comal Trinity Groundwater Conservation District in a fair and equitable manner.
Rain harvesting materials and equipment are sales tax free--complete this form
What is a water footprint? A water footprint is a measurement that totals the amount of water that is consumed by a process, individual, community, company, or country. Your water footprint includes your direct and indirect sources of water consumption. Direct includes the water that is used to brush your teeth or wash your face whereas indirect is the water consumed by your clothes manufacturing or the production of the burger you eat. To determine an individual’s water footprint, we need to add together all their water consumed--ALL water. It includes everything from the amount of water used in your shower to the water used to produce the cheese on your breakfast sandwich.
Where did it come from? In the early 2000s, a Dutch professor named Arjen Hoekstra opened people’s eyes to how we manage this vital resource. In fact, his water footprint concept created a whole new scientific discipline—one that promises to shape solutions for the challenges we face.
A water footprint shines a light on what you don’t see: water use that occurs in each step of the production process of the goods you buy. It accounts for surface water and groundwater (referred to as “blue water”) as well as rainwater (“green water”). It also captures water used to make wastewater generated in manufacturing safe for reuse (“grey water”).
A water footprint can reveal water-use patterns that can help us understand how we can use less water. Our decisions affect water resources not just in the home or the country in which we live, but wherever products we consume are grown or made.
Calculate your water footprint. By understanding our individual water footprint, we can appreciate the role water plays in everyone’s lives. So what’s yours? Click Here
Rainwater Harvesting Resources
1. Presentations (pdf)
Big Blue Bucket presentation from SFPUC on rainwater harvesting and low-impact design in San Francisco.
Rainwater Harvesting Training Presentation by the Texas Water Development Board,
2. Video
Brad Lancaster lists rainwater videos here.
3. Photos
We could have some "albums" for folks to view various rainwater harvesting images. We could link to photo pages such as: rainwater tank images, rain barrel images, rain garden images
4. Brochures and Handouts
Trifold brochure about rainwater harvesting by ARCSA.
Rainwater Harvesting by Practical Action. 12 page handout on rainwater harvesting with an international focus.
Basins Of Relations: A Citizen’s Guide to Protecting and Restoring Our Watersheds (2008) by the WATER Institute.
Water Harvesting Curb Cut Detail from city of Tucson. Schematic showing how to construct a curb-cut to harvest street water runoff.
Fighting water with water: Behavioral change versus climate change. Article by Valerie Strassberg and Brad Lancaster. June, 2011, Journal AWWA.
5. Studies
Effect of Roof Material on Water Quality for Rainwater Harvesting Systems. Mendez, Carolina, et. al. Texas Water Development Board, 2010
Quantifying the First-Flush Phenomenon: Effects of First-Flush on Water Yield and Quality. By D. B. Martinson* and T.H. Thomas**
The microbiological quality of roof-collected rainwater of private dwellings in New Zealand By S. Abbott , B. Caughley & J. Douwes.
Key Messages from a Decade of Water Quality Research into Roof Collected Rainwater Supplies. By Peter J Coombes, et. al. 2006.
Evaluation of Turf-Grass and Prairie-Vegetated Rain Gardens in a Clay and Sand Soil, Madison, Wisconsin, Water Years 2004–08. Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5077. USGS. Prepared in cooperation with the City of Madison and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Agricultural Water Stewardship Case Study: Bodega Valley Rainwater Catchment & Alternative Water Supply Program in Ag Innovations Network, Dec. 2013. Rainwater storage returns summer stream flow for salmon survival.
6. Publications
Roof water collection and irrigation
Roof Water Harvesting for a Low-Impact Water Supply. By Brock Dolman and Kate Lundquist. The document includes construction details for a simple catchment system with Brazilian first flush diverter. The systems provide drinking water for small cabins.
Rainwater Harvesting: System Planning (manual). By Justin Mechell et. al. with Texas AgriLife Extension Service, 2010. This is a 300 page technical document with information on how to design and build a roof water catchment system.
Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting, 3rd ed., by Wendy Price Todd and Gail Vittori. Texas Water Development Board in Cooperation with the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, 2005. Good overview of rainwater harvesting systems and components.
Water Storage Guide: Storing water to benefit stream flows and fish in North Coast creeks and rivers. Produced by Sanctuary Forest May 2008
Drip Irrigation Kit Installation Manual: Gravity Feed Drip Irrigation Kit for Vegetable Garden. By Irrigation Direct, 2010. This manual shows you how to design and build a gravity fed irrigation system.
Rain gardens
Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington A Guide for Design, Maintenance, and Installation. June, 2013.
How to Build a Rain Garden: On-line, step-by-step instruction from Ask This Old House.
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volumes 1 and 2 (2nd and 3rd reprints). By Brad Lancaster, Rainsource Press, 2013. Must read books by world-wide rainwater harvesting expert Brad Lancaster.
Water Storage: Tanks, Cisterns, Aquifers, and Ponds for Domestic Supply, Fire, and Emergency Use. By Art Ludwig, Oasis Design, 2013. Info on tanks design details for rainwater harvesting, making ferrocement tanks, storage in in the root zone, and pond storage.
Rainwater Collection for the Mechanically Challenged, 2nd ed. Banks, Suzy, and Richard Heinichen, Tank Town Publishing, 2004. Good info on whole house rainwater systems.
Water from the Sky. Earthship Biotecture. By Michael Reynolds, 2005. Book about Earthships, with details on their greywater and rainwater harvesting systems.
Rainwater Catchment Systems for Domestic Supply: Design, Construction, and Implementation. By John Gould and Erik Nissen-Petersen. Practical Action Publishing, 1999.An excellent review of rainwater harvesting practices around the world.
Creating Rain Gardens: Capturing the Rain for Your Own Water-Efficient Garden. By Cleo Woelfle-Erksine and Apryl Uncapher. Timber Press, 2012. Excellent book for anyone wanting to build a rain garden.
7. Suppliers and Educational Organizations
On-line vendors of rainwater components
Blue Barrel Systems Sells kits for converting closed-top barrels with resources for local suppliers of barrel.
Rain Harvest Systems Sells all types of rainwater components including first-flush diverter kits, leaf eater downspout screens, pumps, and tanks. They also offer great technical support.
Aqua Barrel Sells kits for closed- and open-top barrels, and IBC tote rainwater tanks
Educational websites
Harvesting Rainwater for Drylands and Beyond. Brad Lancaster’s website full of information on rainwater harvesting.
Harvest H20– educational website with resources about system design, codes, incentives, and products.
This is a great website documenting Ole Ersson’s permitted potable rainwater harvesting system in Portland, Oregon. Includes diagram of the system and components used. The system cost $1,500 and harvests 27,000 gallons per year.
Oasis Design’s Water Information Central has info on natural water purification, rainwater harvesting, and water storage.
Classes and trainings
Watershed Management Group. (Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona). Offers classes, a “water harvesting coop” and more.
American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA). Offers trainings and accreditation for rainwater installers. They also have a comprehensive list of rainwater resources here.
Metal Tanks
Plastic & Fiberglass Tanks
Stores & Suppliers